Financial support to help you get started in construction-related work

Applications open all year round

subject to funding available

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What is the Construction Careers Bursary?
wienerberger has provided bursary monies to NHP for the sole purpose of supporting care leavers to access careers within the construction industry.

What are they for?
The fund is to provide support specifically around access to construction/trades, for example, gaining a Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) card, engineering, bricklaying or plumbing courses, work tools/clothing or course/cost of living fees.

Who are they for?
They are for anyone who has completed units within the House Project Programme. 

How to apply...
Talk things through with your LHP Facilitator and have a clear plan in mind. Complete the application form (download below) and send it to

What happens next?
NHP will consider applications as they come in. NHP may request further information on an application or may ask you to change the amount requested depending on the overall funds remaining. They may also check that you have explored options with your Virtual School prior to application. NHP may seek the opinion of wienerberger on the applications submitted.

You will receive a decision within 28 days to tell you whether you have been successful. If you haven’t been successful, we will explain why.



Briefing pack (downloads): 


Construction Careers Bursary Criteria

Construction Bursary Application Form 2025

Find out more about the Award and Eligibility

supporting care leavers to access careers within the construction industry to help them achieve their aspirations.


Print this off and display it in your HP base.



For more information please contact us on 01270 215888 / 07876 217799 or email us at
Remember to check out the Aspirational Awards if you're looking for funding to achieve an ambition or dream.