Being part of your Local House Project (LHP) gives you the skills, knowledge and confidence to create your own home and lead a successful life. By working with other young people leaving care, you make friends and take ownership and control over decisions that affect you.

1. You apply

young person at desk

If you are thinking of applying to join the LHP in your area, download this guide which will explain all about the project.

You do an application and an interview - it's not scary! You get plenty of help. 

If you are successful, you join your LHP!

2. What you do 

person sanding a wall

You are supported by staff who get to know you well, work with other young people in the group, and together develop your LHP. You support each other and make friends.

You will have the opportunity to try new things, be creative, and most importantly you will be ready to move into your own home.  

You will make plans for your future.

3. My Home

young person opening a front door with key

You work with your LHP to find a place that will be your home. You learn to manage a budget, decorate and make sure that you know how to keep yourself and your home safe.

When you are ready you will move into your home.

4. Community

picture of group with instagram board

When you are ready, you graduate but remain part of the wider House Project community.

You can get LHP support whenever you need it and can also help and support others.


How can I join my Local House Project?

Your LHP works with young people leaving care aged 16+. Speak to your social worker/PA or contact NHP directly to find out if your local authority has a LHP.  You can contact NHP using the following email address:



The House Project is a great thing to do. If you are offered a position to go on the project, do it - it builds a future for yourself... It's a very independent project that you do by yourself with as little or as much support as you want

House Project Young Person



Do you have a Local House Project in your area?

Click here to find out if your Local Authority has an LHP
Find out what you need to do to join...


Yes, my LA has a LHP

People need to know you are interested in joining the LHP, so speak to your social worker/PA/IRO/carer. You will get support to make an application. You could fill in a form or make  video, voice recording or something that says why you want to join.

If your application is successful you will join your LHP.

Contact your LHP


No, my LA doesn't have an LHP

Speak to your social worker/PA/IRO/carer to see if your LA will setup a LHP in your area.

You can contact NHP and we can provide you with further information about LHPs. We will also contact your local authority on your behalf to advise that you were interested in the House Project.

Contact us