House Project approach originated from a conversation between young people and staff in a Local Authority (LA). It has been subsequently developed by two pilot phases as part of the DfE Innovation Programme and the Charity was established to not only support Local House Projects but to gather the learning, codify the fidelity and drive improvements as a learning organisation.


We see young people, LA staff and partners as all having expertise in the development of the approach, and whilst we have Care Leavers National Movement (CLNM) and Community of Practice that routinely takes practice learning and improves what we do, it is also important that our approaches are independently evaluated, and moreover, contribute to improving practice. A growing body of practice based evidence demonstrates that the HP approach is making a difference to outcomes for young people as well as informing and influencing the systems that surround them.    




Phase 1 - Making a House a Home - York University 2017  

This evaluation reported on the enablers and challenges involved in developing and implementing the HP approach and reported on how outcomes for care leavers have been improved. 

Phase 2 - The House Project for young people leaving care - York University 2020

This evaluation reported further on the enablers and challenges of implementing and operating the HP approach and reported on improved outcomes for young people and an economic strand that demonstrated via a cost benefit analysis that LAs saved money. 


CLNM Peer Evaluation 2021 

Care Leavers National Movement worked with Partnership for Young London (PYL) over 3 months to research how the House Project is working and how it can be improved. Young people reported that it worked for them and their overall health and wellbeing improved by being part of their LHP.

Cambridge University 2020/23

This study was led by Dr Joel Harvey who worked with young people and staff at five LHPs; focusing on what it is like for young people to be part of a LHP, how staff work with young people to help them in their lives and the psychological approach that supports the work.


STAF - Scotland House Projects 2021/22

Staf undertook a ‘Learning Project’ of the three Life Changes Trust Funded LHPs. They produced three in depth Case Studies (one for each project) to showcase their work, successes and make recommendations for future practice and development.

EXIT Study 2021/24

The evaluation highlighted the six fidelity elements (co-production, base, relationship practice, learning programme, house and LHP professional team), the three outcome domains (young people, organisation and innovation journey) and the five ingredients for establishing and sustaining innovation (co-production, adaption and learning, shared leadership, receptivity of contexts and outcome measures).


CLNM Peer Evaluation 2023

Care Leavers National Movement worked with Partnership for Young London (PYL) for the second time to research how the House Project is working and how it can be improved. The findings were overwhelmingly positive with most young people saying that they would recommend the House Project to other young people.

IMPACT Demonstrator site 2024-25

'Improving Adult Social Care Together'. We are working with IMPACT, care experienced adults and sector experts to develop an evidence informed change programme that enables care experienced adults to be supported to live well.

An Exploratory Qualitative Study - Staff experiences of working with UASC

This small-scale study was carried out by Royal Holloway University between November 2023 and January 2024. Semi-structured interviews with ten staff members from NHP and LHP’s were undertaken and explored their experiences of using a trauma informed practice framework to support asylum seeking young people.





Care leaver provision within the LA falls in to the regulatory inspection frameworks conducted by Ofsted and whilst not an evaluation partner we are interested on their feedback of LHPs services that they have inspected.

"Since the 2020 inspection, the experiences and progress of children in care, The House Project, increased mental health support and the response to children who are missing or at risk of exploitation have gone from strength to strength.

The emotional and practical help that is offered to young people to help them prepare for adulthood is extensive and strongly embedded. The accredited independence programme, known as The House Project, and the newly developed Next Steps programme, support young people to develop the essential skills needed to help them navigate the opportunities and challenges of adult life and secure their own tenancies. The House Project and Next Steps groups have made a real difference to young people’s lives. Young people really appreciate the ‘moving in manual’ that provides practical help, brought to life by YPAs, to help them find solutions to problems when they live alone. The success of this wraparound support has unquestionably contributed to there having been no tenancy breakdowns over the past two years.

The House Project, the Next Steps programme and all the work that surrounds them are impressive." - Islington Ofsted Report 2025

"There are a range of accommodation options available for care-experienced young people in Trafford and most are living in accommodation that is safe and supports their needs. A small number of young people have benefited from the implementation of the House Project in Trafford and have been supported as they successfully transition to independence and having their own tenancy."
- Trafford Ofsted Report 2024

"The East Dunbartonshire House Project was considered to be a good practice example. The Inspection team learned of the significant differences the project had made to the lives of young people. An innovative way for young people to take control of their future and to support them to gain the skills and experiences to live independently whilst developing lifelong communities of support. The House Project was making a clear difference for the young people involved. There was strong positive feedback from both the young people and the staff High quality , warm and caring relationships were observed"-East Dunbartonshire Care Inspection report 2023

"Children in care who are moving towards adulthood are supported to prepare for greater independence. The local authority has invested in a bespoke housing project for children leaving care, to offer them extensive support in setting up home for the first time. A small number of children have started on this scheme, which offers a wraparound service, including therapeutic and peer support, so that they have the best opportunity to succeed in their new homes. While at an early stage of implementation, the project is showing positive signs of addressing care leavers’ needs in a holistic way.”
- Lancashire Ofsted report 2023

"Working with the corporate parenting board and with the help of leaders, the House Project has transformed young people’s readiness for independence"
- Islington Services Focused Visit 2022

"Some care leavers benefit from being able to access the impressive ‘House Project’ in order to gain independence skills and successfully move into their own tenancies"
- Stoke-on-Trent Ofsted report 2022

"Children in care are supported to develop independence skills as they approach adulthood. They are offered options for accommodation, with a significant number choosing to stay with their foster carers. Children who access the House Project receive impressive support as they approach the age to leave care and beyond. Some care leavers who cannot access this project report that they believe that they receive a lower level of support than those at the House Project."
- Rotherham Ofsted report 2022

"The House Project enables children to gain independence skills, including financial and practical support, through a team approach to testing the young person’s capacity before moving on to permanent accommodation"
- Wolverhampton Ofsted report 2022

"Those care leavers who have additional needs benefit from involvement with the ‘House project’, which offers properties and intensive ongoing support to help them successfully maintain their tenancies"
- Stoke-On-Trent Ofsted Monitoring visit - 2021

"When necessary, intensive support is provided, and some care leavers access a comprehensive pre- and post-tenancy training programme via the National House Project. The House project successfully supports young people to maintain their tenancies and live independently, which is valued by young people"
- Warwickshire Ofsted report 2021

"The House Project is an innovative and highly valued service that is making a significant difference for care leavers. The service helps young people to build confidence and to make friends for life, through preparation for independence & the provision of secure and affordable accommodation. Young people said to inspectors that being involved in the project makes them feel like they have a family" - Islington Ofsted report 2020





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What do I do?
Making a difference

The vision of the National House Project is for young people leaving care live connected and fulfilling lives.

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Visit the Care Leavers National Movement website for more details, as well as how they are making a difference.

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