A message from our CEO January 2024
Posted 29th January 2024
Last year we celebrated our 5th Birthday and whilst this was a great opportunity to reflect on our collective and individual achievements, we soon set about setting our vision for the next 10 years, and the strategy to get us there.
Increasing our reach to more young people both by spreading and diversifying in local authorities where there is already an existing Local House Project (LHP) and scaling to new LAs is key, whilst at the same time improving our offer by acting on the insights of young people, colleagues and independent evaluations.
In 2024/25 we are committed to delivering on the recommendations of the 2023 Peer Evaluation and developing a framework approach to supporting the young people who are living in their own homes in the community. Prior to the first LHP, young people told us that they didn’t want support to stop at an arbitrary age and whilst there has been a lot written in response to Care reviews in England and Scotland the experiences of many care leavers is that ongoing support and access to services is limited. To support our approach to this we are delighted to have been accepted as an IMPACT Demonstrator Site and work will commence in the summer with sector experts to explore how our relational approach can be used to develop a framework that has the potential to achieve sector wide impact. At the heart of our approach is a commitment to amplify and act on the voice of young people and if we are to achieve our vision that care leavers will live ‘connected and fulfilling lives’ then the next iteration of our offer must be to enable ongoing support to this community.