By working with other young people leaving care, you make friends, get a house to call your home, and take ownership and control over your life. You have joint ownership of your Local House Project (LHP) with staff.

What will I do?

You will meet as a group every week and work out between you how you want your project to run. You will do new things, learn how to look after a home get ready for moving in.  You will be involved in making decisions about leaving care, where you will  live and what you want your home to be like.

Who will I be with?

You will be with other young people who are getting ready to leave care. There will be about 10 of you and you will become a team. You will be supported by three members of staff and young people who are already part of your LHP.



“I’ve managed to find somewhere and be
a part of something that is the best part
of life, which is friendship, which is love,
which is hope, which is making the world a
better place in our small way by making the
passages through to adulthood from the
care system that much better.”

House Project Young Person



Young People's Views


Young People are at the heart of House Projects across both England and Scotland.

There are lots of ways that we measure how LHPs improve outcomes and make a difference for young people leaving care, but there is nothing more powerful than hearing it directly from young people themselves.

Hover over the words to see what young people have to say


Find out more

Direction 2024

Visit the Care Leavers National Movement website for more details, as well as how they are making a difference.

Young People's View
House Project Programme

A web-based programme where young people can upload their journey and reflections on the House Project.

What do I do?
Joining a Local House Project

Being part of a Local House Project gives you the skills, knowledge and confidence to create your own home and lead a successful life.