For Young People

Supported to leave care with others, you develop friendships, get a home to live in, and have control and choice over your life. Find out more.

For Local Authorities

Find out how individuals, organisations and businesses support young people to prepare, move in and manage their home. Find out more.


Introducing NHP


Who are we?

The National House Project (NHP) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), established in August 2018. It provides the knowledge, resources and support to establish and maintain Local House Projects (LHPs) and believes that joining a LHP should be an option for all young people leaving care.

How do we help young people leaving care?

Young people experience leaving care together and this peer community supports them to develop the practical and emotional skills that they need to live interdependently. They work on houses which become their homes to live in for as long as they want.

Support Us

Corporate Partnerships
Corporate Support

We are passionate about unlocking the potential of young people and improving the way they are prepared and supported to live interdependently. There is no single solution and we are seeking corporate partners who can contribute to the simple goal of making a difference to young people leaving care.

How can you help?

With your help, we can offer young people a place they can call home. Whilst lots of young people do well in care many don’t.

Each year about 10,000 young people leave care and understandably struggle to live independently.


Your Legacy

We appreciate as much or as little as you can give and have provided you with several easy ways you can do this.

Through your donations we can provide opportunities and support to young people leaving care which make a difference to their lives.




We need pride. Coming from the care system it’s difficult to find something to be proud of

- Young Person

I’d compare the House Project to a tree; we’ve planted it and we’re growing up. We’re all together and we’re all going up

- Stoke HP

The House Project helps to put warmth around the process of leaving care

- Islington HP

House Project is one of the best projects I've ever been to. With lovely facilitators and lovely members of the group. We are very proud of it

- Manchester HP

Since having my own house my confidence has grown so much. Its because i'm making my own decisions and learning from them

- Wolverhampton HP

I would say that it is a starting point for a brilliant future

- Oxford HP

The House project has allowed to feel accepted somewhere without a place of judgement, whilst learning new skills

- Warwickshire HP

I've not just made amazing friends that will last me a lifetime but the HP Staff were there for me every step of the way.

- Warwickshire HP

I have found House Project a great opportunity to build confidence and achieve anything you put your mind to.

- Warwickshire HP

I've been pushed to do and be the best person I possibly can. They have supported me back into education, housing job opportunities and so much more.

- Warwickshire HP

Helps you to build confidence and find yourself despite what others think of you

- Warwickshire HP

House Project has really helped me get where I am as they have supported me in focusing on college and taken some of the weight off my shoulders

- Fife HP

I have 2 young children so being able to spend time with other young people from other house projects in Scotland has been great. Its given me some time away to socialise and be me.

- Midlothian HP

The best thing about the HP is all the support I get - from college work to helping me understand how to live independently. It's good to be part of a group going through the same process as we bond, have a laugh but still get stuff done

- East Dunbartonshire HP

I'm really looking forward to moving my furniture in and making it my home. It feels like my life is starting a new chapter and I am very excited about it.

- Manchester HP

The House Project has given me a sense of family, support and friendship. They also give you the freedom to explore and experience life to your full potential.

- Oxford HP

It’s much more than the flat – it’s about the support

- Islington HP

In the time I've been with them they have completely changed my life.

- Warwickshire HP

My favourite part of working with the House Project is making memories with the other young people and the staff


I was anxious about moving into my own flat, but I know you guys will help and support me

Young Person



Latest News

NHP Newsletter January 2025
NHP Newsletter January 2025

Posted 3rd February 2025

It's a perfect time to pause and reflect on an amazing year and we’re thrilled to kick off 2025 with you, reflecting on the incredible moments of the latter half of 2024 and sharing an exciting glimpse into what’s ahead this year.

Partnership with GES
Partnership with GES

Posted 31st January 2025

GES EMEA has joined forces with charity, the National House Project (NHP), to provide practical support to young people leaving care so that they can go on to live connected and fulfilling lives.

Islington Children's Services Outstanding
Islington Children's Services Outstanding

Posted 30th January 2025

The latest Ofsted Inspection report for Islington rated the experiences and progress of children in care and care leavers as "outstanding" and praised the work of the House Project.